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07.11.99 -- Areti Papastavrou

October 30, 1999: Greyhound Network News ( just

Da Tierschutz keine Grenze kennen sollte und viele Deutschen nach Italien fahren, habe ich mir gedacht, dass folgender Appellruf aus USA interessant sei. Je mehrere Unterschriften der Buergermeister bekommt, desto besser. Vielleicht aendert er seine Plaene. mfG aus Athen October 30, 1999: Greyhound Network News ( just received an extremely urgent communiqué from Animal Liberation of Rimini, Italy, asking for help in preventing the opening of a dog track in the city of Cattolica, a major tourist center on the Adriatic. Animal Liberation is asking readers of GNN to write letters or send an e- mail message to the mayor of Cattolica in opposition to the proposed track. They are calling for a tourism boycott of the region. Mayor Micucci is expected to make a decision in November on whether or not to allow a hotel in the area to operate a greyhound racetrack. (There are two dog tracks currently operating in Italy, One in Rome and the other in Naples. Several years ago, a letter-writing campaign initiated by GNN helped Animal Liberation defeat a proposed dog track in the city of Riccione.) Letters and e-mail should be sent to Animal Liberation for presentation to the mayor. They fear the mayor will deny receiving the mail/messages if they are sent directly to him. Time is critical - please act as soon as possible. Letters, addressed to Mayor Gian Franco Micucci, should be mailed to: Serena Sartini Animal Liberation Via Montello 24/a 47900 Rimini, ITALY E-mail to Animal Liberation: Suggested comments for letter: 'We will not spend our holidays in Cattolica if you approve the operation of a dog track. We will ask our friends and relatives to join in a tourism boycott of Cattolica if the dog track opens.'
  7.11.99October 30, 1999: Greyhound Network News ( just     

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