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22.11.00 -- BINE


Hallo an Alle,

dieser Artikel handelt von einer "Hundefabrik" in Maryland, USA, wo Welpen in Massen angeboten werden. Die Welpen kommen aus sogenannten Puppy-Mills und die Ueberlebensrate der Kleinen ist sehr gering. Zumeist sind sie kraenklich und verhaltensgestoert und koennen in dem Fall "umgetauscht" werden, was natuerlich bedeutet, dass sie eingschlaefert werden im Falle des Umtausches.
Nun versuchen wir natuerlich, das zu bremsen und jede Unterschrift zaehlt.
Wer gerne helfen moechte, kann unter folgender Adresse eine Petition unterzeichnen:$8

Bitte unterzeichnet!!



Your Immediate Assistance is needed to stop a Puppy Factory in Towson, MD


A store called Just Puppies is planned for York Road in Towson. According to the store's owner, the store will only sell puppies. The puppies will not be neutered before being sold, and purchasers will not be required to have the animals neutered.

At a zoning hearing on November 2, the owner testified that the store will stock sixty puppies at any one time. This is more dogs than can be housed at the Humane Society of Baltimore County and is approximately the same number of dogs that can be housed at Baltimore County Animal Control. These animals will be housed in an 80'x 28' building.

At the zoning hearing, the store owner testified that they would be driving to the Midwest to purchase the puppies being sold at the store. It is likely that the puppies being sold at this store will be coming from puppy mills with the attendant health problems associated with mass breeding of animals. While Just Puppies has a health guarantee, it means that if the puppy gets sick, you can return it for another puppy. The returned puppy is likely to be euthanized.

A Just Puppies store opened in August in Laurel, MD. Reportedly they sell 50 puppies a week and nearby animal shelters are already receiving animals that were purchased there. Please write a letter to members of the Baltimore County Zoning Board requesting that they deny a variance for the Just Puppies store in Towson. Include case number in your letter: 00-532A

Please write to the following
Donna Felling, Lawrence Stahl, Charles Marks
Baltimore County Zoning Board
400 Washington
Avenue, Room 49
Towson, MD 21204

Click here for a sample letter and more people you can write to:
**Now you can make your online petition against Just Puppies**
click here to make your online petition


  22.11.00Puppy-Mills   BINE  
  22.11.00RE: 1 BINE  
  22.11.00RE: 2 BINE  
  22.11.00RE: 3 BINE  
  22.11.00RE: 4 Cessi  

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