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15.05.01 -- BINE

RE: Suche "Desperately" ein Hund "companion"

Golden Puppy


Hi Patrick,

I have to agree with what Tanja said: Why not get a dog from rescue or from the shelter?

Second, do you have adequate time to take care of two dogs? Both breeds you showed interest in are highly active breeds in need of exercise and work.
In general Goldens as well as Malamutes require a lot of grooming, and both breeds have semi-long to long coats which requires brushing and grooming on a regular basis. Not to mention the shedding.....

Make sure to get more information on those breeds and their requirements before you go out to aquire a dog/s that turn/s out to be too much to handle.
How much experience do you have? Malamutes are not the easiest breed to train and they are certainly not suitable for a beginner owner/handler. They have tendencies to be very aloof - a character trait you have to lern to live with.
They are a very independent breed as they have to be if one considers their original purpose.
Goldens on the other hand are known for their intelligence and friendly personality. They are in my opinion better suited as beginner/companion dogs.

Well - I wish you luck in finding your perfect companion. Just remember those poor souls sitting in shelters and try to give them a chance too. I am sure there is even a purebred rescue somewhere in your area that could help you out in finding a dog.


Thema: Suche "Desperately" ein Hund "companion"

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