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Gudrun Beck

The Guided Hate of a Nation

Nur noch dumm rumsitzen ist langweilig!


*Die Meldung
*Über die Situation in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg
*Die stille Akzeptanz der Zuständigen
*Halter und der Hund bereits vorher auffällig
*Mögliche Maßnahmen aus polizeilicher Sicht

The Incident

It all began with the tragic death of a 6 year-old boy in the city of Hamburg. He was mauled and killed by two so called "fighting- dogs" , which had been attack-trained by their owners. At least one of these dogs has already been known by the authorities and put under restraint to wear a muzzle and be leashed in public at all times. However at the time of the incident, the above mentioned dog was running lose accompanied by another dog, similar in looks to the above mentioned one. The accident was so horrible, that everybody was saddened and hurt by learning about it. Immediately all hate was directed towards the guilty dogs and they were judged as the only responsible party. People were overheard saying things like, " Get rid of those monsters" , and naturally the media immediately picked up on this fast developing mood an kept reporting about more and more incidents involving dogs throughout the entire country. All in a sudden every single dog-bite was grounds for yet another head-line in the papers and newscasts. Reason enough for lots of citizens to begin getting scared of dogs, and others to feel tremendous hatred towards man's best friend.


*Erfahrungen Berlin 1998
*Zeit für Hundeführerschein und Sachkundenachweis!
*Bereits bestehende Hundeverordnungen im Ausland
*Die neuen Kampfhundeverordnungen
*Pläne zur NRW-Hundeverordnung sind schon älter
*Hamburg 1998: Maulkorbpflicht für "Kampfhunde"?

The Government´s Reaction

The government and politicians felt pressured to (finally) protect their citizens from such attacks, and of course saw an immediate chance to shine in the political lime light by passing restricting laws against dogs and their owners. One restriction and law after another was passed, and all parties were in total unison about enforcing them. Drafts of these laws have been neglected before for a long time, and now seem to surface from the depth of some governmental drawer. Obvioulsy, an incident like the one in Hamburg and the general uproar it created was a welcomed chance to put these laws into effect. Better yet - some of these laws were hastily put together and made official, effective immediately. Whoever came up with these laws prooved themselves totally incompetent, which becomes rather obvious, shouldone take a closer look at the contents of those laws passed. Out of the blue, different breeds of dogs were declared "fighting-dogs", and there were breeds made up, that didn't even exist! (i.e. "Chinese Fighting Dog", "Roman Attackdog" to name a few....) Now the question comes up as to how to reinforce those laws - especially because so many people were suddenly effected by them!


*Unfallstatistik 1998: angeführt von Schäferhunden und Mischlingen (absolut betrachtet)
*Ein Erfahrungsbericht
*Speziell der Kangal ist in gewissen Kreisen nun angesagt

Get Rid of the Foreigners!!?

It's interesting to see, how many foreign dog breeds pop up on those lists. Are they afraid of the lobbyists who call "Comissioner Rex" and St. Bernard "Beethoven" their own? Odd enough, St Bernard and Great Dane are not mentioned on "the list", however, the much smaller Dogo Argentino and the Dogue de Bordeaux are listed in the fighting-dog category as no. 1, as well as the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Pitbull Terrier, whose headlines we all know oh-so well! Did the remarkably strong Hootch play a role in all this? Don't we appreciate the Dogo's ancestry? If that's the case, all terrier-breeds would have to be put on the list!


*Das Ordnungsamt war schon da!
*Man wird beobachtet
*Bürgerkrieg zwischen Hundehaltern und anderen?

The Denunciation

Just to add insult to insury, on top of the general attitude against dogs brought on through politicians and media, there also were announcements by housing-companies, asking people to denounce their neighbours, who own such "fighting-dogs". Government officials as well as police are organizing raids, which in itself was a great success towards such denunciation. Big parts of the population assist officials in "getting rid" of dogs. No one knows, that all animal-shelters are overpopulated, and all seized dogs have to face death through injection, and sad enough, many people wish for this to happen. ".....and right here lives a fanatic, crazy German Sheperd, but we can't do anything about it, because he is not listed as a "fighting-dog", I overheard two elderly women say to each other as they passed by my neighbour's garden. The only thing to criticize about above mentioned dog is the fact that he barks at strange dogs passing in front of him, while he is held on a leash. Even our Collies had a "official visit" from authorities. One day later the news even made it to my mother's church knitting-group, that we had a visit by authorities regarding the dogs and they probably will have to be put to sleep. Of course that was not the case, because our dogs are kept under the utmost best conditions. Besides, authorities would probably have made a different decision rather than putting them to sleep. Thank God it hasn't come that far yet! How could my decent and christian neighbours even think of a thing like that? My dogs are not at fault. They were brought up to love people, and are only under certain circumstances allowed to bark around the house and garden. Just the fact they exist ist too much for some people to bear.


*Der Wahnsinn hat begonnen!
*Futterköder mit Rasieklingen bespickt
*Streit suchende Halbstarke
*Muss sich denn ein Hund von jedem anfassen lassen?

Aggressive Doghaters in the Streets and in Public Parks

Fact is, dogowners have become welcome victims of fellow men and groups who are out, looking for trouble. Children and families owning pitbulls get attacked by individuals, throwing rocks at them until they have to be taken to the emergency-room having suffered serious injuries. Retirees attack dogowners with their crutches, when they find dogs tied up to trees for the duration of a discussion, and adolescents try to be as challenging and provocative as possible. The war begins!


*Älterer Herr wollte auf Hund einprügeln
*Fast von 3 Männern überfallen ... Waffe oder Hund?
*"Die gehören alle eingeschläfert."
*Kurzhaarrassen werden für Staffs gehalten, bepöbelt und bedroht!
*Auch Dein Scheißer wird noch abgeschafft!
*Blinde Frau mit harmlosem Blindenhund belästigt
*Gefälschte Briefe fordern Halter auf, ihre Hunde sofort einzuschläfern
*Sie knurrte als mich die Männer einkreisten

Whatever Happened to Interior Safety

Conclusion: Do I need a gun in order to walk my dog? Or, do I have to wait until my big, tall and strong other half finds the time to escort me? I guess, WOMAN better stay home in the kitchen instead of braving the great outdoors? I shall never forget the headline in a Bochum Newspaper a few years back, which told about a young woman walking along a lake with her baby in a stroller, who got attacked, sexually assaulted and killed. That wouldn't have happened, if she would have been accompanied by a big dog! As long as there isn't enough law-enforcement to protect us, we are forced to protect ourselves somehow, right? 'But how? They can't undo the wrong that happened to one person, by making everybody else suffer. Those enforcements which were supposed be so great for our well-being and security achieved exactly the opposite: War in the streets, people who hate dogs against people who love them and all animals. Neither force and aggression against dogowners, nor treats spiked with rasor blades laying around in the parks are in the interest of politics - or at least , so I hope...And bye the way - those abandonded "fighting-dogs" in the streets don't really add to public safety either.


*Ein erwachsener Mann hatte Elle und Speiche gebrochen
*Aufnahmestopps in Tierheimen
*Heute mal ohne Herrchen und Frauchen unterwegs
*Durch meine Unsicherheit aufgerufener Beschützerinstinkt
*Wenn es keine Zeugen gibt

The Dog - a Weapon of Self-Defense?

There have been situations, when I felt well-protected being surrounded by my dog/s. There have been women like me, who have felt protected by their dogs, mostly whilst being attacked by male aggressors. I am afraid for my dogs these days - I hope we will never be in a situation where , God forbid, they would have to use their teeth in self-defense. Especially, if there are no witnesses, or only the opposition provides "their" respective witness. In cases like that, it will be extremely difficult to prove that the dog has acted in self-defense. I am sure I do not have to go into detail what will happen to a dog, once he/she has bitten a person. On the other hand, I have to admit that every method that's good enough for defense, can also be misused for the offense a.k.a. attack. Therefore, there will still be criminals who continue to feel strong with their aggressive dogs behind them, and they will not hesitate one moment to put those live weapons to use. In those cases, laws should be enforced and the punishment for those criminals should be severe - it should be treated just like any other capital offense!


*Haben wir eigentlich alle irgendwo 'ne Macke?
*"Einfach zum Knuddeln"
*"Ich könnte ohne Hund nicht mehr sein."

The Dog-Owner's Mind

And still - a dog, even a big one, is so much more than just a "weapon for self-defense": I don't insist in saying that all dog owners one time or another had bad experiences with OTHER HUMANS, however I can say, that the joy of unconditional love, honesty,joy of life, the daily routine and sensitivity of my four-legged friends helps me a great deal to overcome depressed moods and personal lows. The dog as a family member can help to eliminate loneliness, depression and heartproblems and help greatly in the healing-process. Many families see in their dog the best friend for their children and the elderly.


*Gegenseitiges Verständnis
*Es gibt keine gegenseitige Rücksicht mehr!
*Sein Ruf ist zu gut.

How About Integration of Dogs Instead of Banning and Prosecution?

One would expect a smart politician to take steps towards integration of dogs, rather than supporting the press in driving the issue to the point of mass-hysteria. Humans have been living with dogs for more than 14,000 years, if not for 300,000 years. That makes our fourlegged friends an important part of our cultural heritage and not just some bothersome little hobby of some chosen few. It can hardly be the intentions of modern politics to make dog-owners get in their cars to take their animals to deserted places for a walk. Just picture what that does to the environment -- all the pollution caused by added emissions. In addition to the damage done to the environment, picture the lack of proper socialization of dogs, who never get a chance to meet "strangers" and therefore never get to learn to consider them a normal occurrence of everyday life. Due to these facts, incidents of dog-bites can surely become a fact of daily life. It's scary how many people don't know how to act when confronted by a dog, and therefore send out the wrong signals to the animal, which of course will react accordingly. To prevent accidents caused by canines, we should not only prosecute the criminals, we also should encourage education in kindergartens and schools through teachers. They should have demonstrations and have discussions about "how to behave around an animal/dog" as a part of their curriculum, and make children understand about establishing positive contact with the animal. Children do have to understand that a person, who does not show fear will most likely be left alone by an aggressive acting canine. I don't want to deny the fact, that most accidents that involve dogs are not ALWAYS the owner's fault, unless of course the dog has been tortured and actively driven into aggression. Still, even in such a case one will have to question those owners who obviously missed to supervise their dogs.


*KEIN Hundeauslaufgebiet in Hellersdorf
*Deutschland: geringste Hundeanzahl pro Kopf in Europa
*Was ist denn mit all den positiven Seiten der Hundehaltung?
*Der Hund braucht Freiraum um artgerecht gehalten werden zu können

Dog Ownership - Will It Be a Hobby For The Wealthy?

Now that dog-owners have become more and more dependent on using their own backyards to enable their dogs to play and run, and now that they have to take out their cars to find places where they can enjoy exercising their dogs, the question arises, if in the future dogs will be the privileged possession of the rich. The "social tasks" dogs fulfill for the majority of not-so rich people will have to be taken over by professionals like doctors and therapists. It will be quite expensive and is also a sign of lesser quality of life for persons involved, as proven through conduction of a survey amongst some nursing home facilities. Even those facilities promote the keeping of animals for health/therapy reasons! On the other hand we see the often badly sozialiced dog some wealthy people call their own, compared to the dog next-door, which is exposed to many different things throughout the day. Some privileged chose to use their dogs as some sort of "lawn-ornament" beause of it's beauty and fail to provide adequate living-conditions and proper keep. An estranged dog, who sees himself as the alpha-animal has potential to easily turn into a danger to public life!


*...den Fehler gemacht, nach langer Zeit mal wieder einen STERN zu kaufen
*Stellungnahmen verschiedener Parteien
*Express: Hat Ministerin Höhn schlampig gearbeitet?
*Forderung schon 1998
*Auch alt: Eine Maulkorbpflicht sollte strenger kontrolliert werden!
*Was geschieht mit den Hunden, deren Besitzer den Hundefürerschein nicht bestehen?

Is There Hope for Getting Life Back to Normal

Suddenly there was the news about the next soccer-world championship being held in Germany! Oh what joy after the defeats at the European Championship. Happy faces everywhere and that's all the media talked about and nothing else. The morning after, while I was out training my dogs to pull their cart, everyone I met in the street seemed to be in a friendly mood. Easy going elders who are interested in striking up a converstion about my strong harness dogs - then there are a class of school-children and their teachers, politely getting out of my way as I am approaching, and smiling old ladies at the bus-station. Is it true? The war hasn't started yet? Did the mood of the German people turn for the better? I sure hope so! Quick, let's get the latest anti-dog "Stern" magazine, which of course includes a recipe on how to prepare dog-meat, and then hopefully it's back to different headlines in the news. Did it finally dawn on the politicians of the FDP (Free Democratic Party) that it's the dog-owners of Westphalia who could help them get the votes they were missing during the last election, where they lost against the Green Party? Their suggestions for an alternative legislation regarding the "dog-laws" sound promising - I'd say let's wait and see, better yet, let's get involved and help make them come true, provided we get permission to interfere! I doubt that another political mishap will be seen as permissable by most dog-owners, and they won't forget about it that easily, even though the last elections are barely history. After all, we are forced to live with those permanent restrictions that have been put upon us and our dogs - leash-law and muzzling of our dogs just to name a few. There are also voices to be heard demanding a "dog-handling license" to track down potentially dangerous dog-owners and to try to put an end to them being a danger to the public. All of this is not really a new subject which was brought up just now. What's new is, that all in a sudden authorities seem to be very quick in passing policies/laws and also, it's astonishing how judgemental they have become about something they don't know much about.


Conclusion: It Is Possible to Influence Hate and It Can Be Driven in Any Direction Desired.

It is a terrorizing thought how an entire nation can be pushed into this hysteria and how a minority is willing to act out their frustration and their hatred. They don't hesitate to use matters of legal or illegal powers, that of course depending on the mindset of the participant. In cases like these all the hatred centralized towards our canines and their owners.

Verordnungen und Mitteilungen der Länder:




Hallo Hundefreunde,

sicher hat Euch in der letzten Zeit auch das Thema "neue Hundeverordnungen" beschäftigt. Wir haben für Euch einiges zusammenstellt. Links neben dem eigentlichen Beitrag seht Ihr Querverweise zu passenden Beiträgen, die ins Forum geschrieben wurden. Die Auswahl ist relativ zufällig getroffen. Es könnten sehr viel mehr Links dort stehen. Unter dem Beitrag erreicht Ihr die neuen Verordnungen, offizielle Stellungnahmen und Pressemeldungen.

In unserem nächsten Magazinbeitrag würden wir gerne von Initiativen berichten, die etwas gegen die Hundeverordnungen bzw. deren Folgen tun. Wir bitten um Eure Mithilfe!

Ihr könnt uns Infos über entsprechende Aktivitäten an schicken. Wir möchten die Initiativen bekannter machen und auf diesem Wege unterstützen.

Vielen Dank im Voraus für Eure Hilfe!

Gudrun Beck,

Copyright 1996-2020 Thomas Beck