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15.05.01 -- Tanja Steinmann

RE: Suche "Desperately" ein Hund "companion"

Hello Patrick,

you moved to hessen? Where do you live? We live near Darmstadt (40km south of frankfurt)
Maybe I can help you. Depending on if you want to have a puppy or maybe help a poor dog...
Especially Malamutes or sibirian huskies.

Have a look at
This is a organisation who helps all kind of polar dogs which are in trouble. They do not mind if you do not life near them. They are just very glad if someone gives a new home to the dogs.
Our "Namuk", a sibirian husky is from frankfurt (Tierheim, I do not know the english word, a home for pets who are no longer wanted in the family...). At the age of three he was found in Barcelone (Spane) as was brought to Germany. He is a very nice dog, gentle and loves all!!! people...
The web-adress of this tierheim is
You can also have a look at

Give them a second chance. They are worth it...

For questions you can send me a personal mail

Hope you´ll find the right dog

Tanja and Namuk
Thema: Suche "Desperately" ein Hund "companion"

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