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11.05.01 -- BINE

RE: Künstliche Hoden für den Hund

Der Eingriff


....und hier also nun die Fruechte meiner Nachforschungen - und nein, ich werde das nicht uebersetzen.... *da ist mir das Thema zu bescheuert dazu. :-)
Aber, wer sich die ganze Website angucken will:


BINE, die das GAnze ziemlich bescheuert findet :-((

Most Asked Questions About:
Neutering With NEUTICLES®

What are Neuticles?
Patented Neuticles are testicular implants for pets that are neutered. Neuticles are available for canines, felines, equine and bulls. Neuticles should be implanted when the pet is neutered- but can be implanted afterwards in most cases.

Why Neuticles?

The 200 year-old traditional form of altering used on family pets includes the permanent removal of the pet's testicles. Many caring pet owners hesitate or even to refuse to neuter their pets because of this. Neuticles eliminates 'neuter-hesitant' concerns - as a 'Neuticled' pet looks and can feel exactly the same after neutering.

Why not a Vasectomy?

This expensive procedure simply sterilizes the pet. The pet still retains all aggressive behavior and characteristics of a non-neutered pets. For this reason a Vasectomy is rarely performed on animals.

Have there been any complications?

Commercial establishment of Neuticles and the implant procedure began in December, 1995. Research and development of Neuticles and the implantation procedure began in March, 1993. To date nearly 50,000 pets Worldwide have been neutered with Neuticles by over 9,000 veterinarians with no complications when implanted as directed.

What post operative care is required?

The same cautions used when you neuter the traditional method should be used which includes keeping the incision area clean and minimal activity for several days following the procedure. Refer to Veterinary Update for additional information.

Are Neuticles Original?

CTI Corporation created Neuticles and the testicular implant procedure for animals and enforces all federal trademark and patent rights awarded. CTI has received Worldwide recognition and publicity for providing pet owners an option to the traditional form of neutering their beloved pet.

Do Neuticles come in different models?

Neuticles are available in 3 models: NeuticlesOriginals, NeuticlesNaturals and NeuticlesUtra. Each are crafted from FDA medically-approved (for human use) materials- replicating the animals testicle in size, shape and weight.

Do Neuticles come in sizes?

Five-sized Neuticles are available for any-sized canine or feline. One size is currently available for equine and bulls. Refer to sizing chart for additional information and 3D sizing chart. Custom sizing is available.

What is the right sized Neuticles for my pet?

To determine the correct size simply provide us the pets age, breed and weight and a precise selection is made. A sizing chart is also provided to assist the veterinarian and pet owner in correct sizing.

What's the difference between NeuticlesOriginal, NeuticlesNatural and NeuticlesUltra?

NeuticleOriginals are crafted from polyprophylene homopolymere-an FDA medically approved material which is non-porous and rigid in firmness. NeuticlesNaturals are solid silicone which replicates the testicle in actual firmness. NeuticlesUltra are solid silicon and is 30% softer than NeuticlesNatural for an even softer feel- marshmellow soft.

Can Neuticles leak and harm my pet?

Absolutely not. Neuticles are crafted from FDA medically-approved solid silicone. Unlike the 'gel' silicone from decades past- this space age material is firm yet soft and natural when implanted. NeuticlesOriginals, NeuticlesNaturals and NeuticlesUltra are 100% safe and is backed by a $1 million per occurrence product liability guarantee.

Have there been complications
associated with Neuticles?

Incredibly-nearly 50,000 canines, felines, equines and bulls in all 50 states and 20 foreign countries have been Neutered with Neuticles without a single reported complication when implanted as directed. Neuticles are 100% warranted for safety/satisfaction and is backed by a $1 million per occurrence liability protection coverage.

When are Neuticles implanted?

The patented two to three minute procedure is normally performed when the pet is neutered. It is suggested that the pet be neutered at 6 months of age or older.

Pets have also been 'Neuticled' up to five years after being altered with complete success.

Are pets depressed after being neutered?

Termed 'post neutering trauma' most pets are not only in pain after being neutered but know they are now missing a familiar body part. A pet neutered with Neuticles does not know he's been altered because he feels and looks exactly the same.

How do Neuticles control pet overpopulation?

Nearly 50,000 pet owners have neutered with Neuticles. Most agree they simply would have not have neutered their pet otherwise. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) remarked "Who can argue with a perfectly safe procedure which controls pet overpopulation?" (Animal Watch-Spring 97)

Will my pet retain those 'nasty' male habits?

About 30 days after neutering the testosterone in the pets system is gone. The pet becomes calmer. less aggressive and quits 'roaming'. Pet owners neutering with Neuticles benefit from having a fully altered pet-and looks exactly the same!

Can my pet outgrow Neuticles?

It is recommended that you neuter with Neuticles at six months or older. Although the pet will 'fill-out' in weight after six months of age, the testicles and all other body organs are fully developed and at full size.

Are Neuticles endorsed by humane societies?

Multiple international, national, statewide and regional humane societies Worldwide have endorsed Neuticles including the ASPCA, The New York Humane Society and Canadian Humane Society - to name but a few.

Are Neuticles Expensive?

CTI has made every possible effort to make Neuticles an affordable option when neutering. NeuticlesOriginals are $30 to $37 per pair and NeuticlesNaturals or NeuticlesUltra are $89 to $129 per pair. This price does not include implantation fee by the veterinarian which can vary depending on your geographic region.

What if my veterinarian isn't familiar with Neuticles?

Tell your veterinarian that you want to neuter with Neuticles. If your veterinarian isn't familiar with the procedure, we will be happy to mail comprehensive information. If you do not have a veterinarian, we will be happy to provide a participating clinic in your neighborhood.

Is there a veterinary clinic or hospital in
my area that has performed the procedure?

CTI maintains a database of over 8000 clinics Worldwide which have performed the simple procedure. Chances are we have a clinic

Thema: Künstliche Hoden für den Hund

Copyright 1996-2025 Thomas Beck