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17.07.00 -- Sabine Cherokee

RE: Zum Nachdenken..../Zitate


it has come o my attention
that you have wholeheartedly
and with firm intent taken my heart.
if you dont' cease and dessist at once,
you should be prepared to accept
everlasting devotion.

the small percentage of dogs that bite people
is monumental proof that the dog ist the
most benign, forgiving creature on earth

we give dogs love we can spare
time we can spare,
and room we can spare.
in return dogs give us their all.
it's the best deal man has ever made.
(mergery facklam)

his name is not wild dog anymore,
but the first friend.
because he will be our friend for always,
and always, and alway.
(rudyard kipling)
Thema: Zum Nachdenken....

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