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23.03.04 -- GILL

RE: Das Leben/@wotan

So ich habe hier auch was zum Lachen....
Leider nur in Englisch...aber ich denke, es ist zu verstehen.
In der mail, die mir meine Freundin aus Amerika geschickt hat, ist das alles noch mit animierten Bildern gespickt.....herrlich. Leider kann ich die ja hier nicht einbinden.
Trotzdem viel Spaß.
LG Gill-Frauchen Uschi

Ain't being a "senior citizen".......

A for arthritis,

B for bad back,

C is for chest pains. Perhaps cardiac?

D is for dental replacements and decline,

E is for eyesight--can't read that top line.

F is for fissures and fluid retention

G is for gas (which I'd rather not mention)

H high blood pressure (I'd rather have low)

I for incisions with scars you can't show.

J is for joints, that now fail to flex

L for libido--what happened to sex?

Wait! I forgot about K!
K is for my knees that crack when they're bent
(Please forgive me, my Memory ain't worth a cent)

N for neurosis, pinched nerves and stiff neck

O is for osteo- and all bones that crack

P for prescriptions, I have quite a few

Give me another pill; I'll be good as new!

Q is for queasiness. Wine or flu?

R is for reflux-- one meal turns into two

S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears

T for tinnitus--I hear bells in my ears

U is for urinary: difficulties with flow

V is for vertigo, that's "dizzy", you know.

W is worry, now what's going 'round?

X is for X ray-- and what might be found.

Y for another year I've left behind

Z is for zest that I still have my mind!

Have survived all the symptoms my body's deployed,

And kept twenty-six doctors gainfully employed!!!

Ain't being a "senior citizen" great???

Thema: Das Leben!

Copyright 1996-2025 Thomas Beck